CGC/Therapy Dog Training
Classes are now starting!
The classes run 6 weeks and are for owners that want to train their dog for therapy. This training course will allow owner/dog teams to be tested so they are able to visit hospitals, nursing homes and any facility that want dogs to be used in helping patients improve recovery.
Nose Work / Scent Discrimination
This class will be held at the Western PA. Search & Rescue Ctr..
NEW!!! On -Line Courses Available
These weekly instruction and visual aid classes are for the owners who would like to work their dogs at home for various reasons. These classes are set up as a webinar and done weekly as if you were training in a class. Call or e-mail us today to find out more!
Type your paragraph here.
Private Lessons Available
Behavioral Counseling Available
CGC Evaluator
Open/Utility Course
This class is where the dogs learn jumping,retrieving and scent discrimination
This course is for the dog that has received the CD title or has trained to the CD level.
Advanced Novice Course
This class is for the dogs that have completed a basic class and wants to continue to socialize the dog with different dogs and people.
This class is also for the person who wants to practice and improve handling skills and getting ready for the show ring
Beginner Novice.
This is where the dogs learn all acceptable behaviors.
This class is for the owner who is just starting out and wants to gain control of their dog
This claass is where all behavior issues are addressed
This class allows new owners to gain a better understanding of dog behavior and why dog's have some behaviors we think are unacceptable
Classes are for dogs 16 weeks and over
Classes are 6 weeks long with the first lesson being orientation.
NO DOGS on the orientation night !
Classes run monthly
Beginner Agility
All use of the equipment is arranged through Sniffspot.